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Submitted by tejswrp on Wed, 08/23/2017 - 23:20

Im using DMC-4080(MO,ISCNTL)-C022(5V)-I000-I000-D3240(HALLF)-D3240(ISAMP,HALLF)-SR90 and Among the 8 axis, one of the axis (Axis C) is showing Amplifier Fault. How to reset the fault?Actually I havent used Axis C till now and I tried connecting the motor today and some how Im unable to give SH command to that particular axis. (Other Axis's are working fine)
Is there any way to rectify this fault?
Thank You

Comments 1

KushalP on 08/25/2017 - 16:17

Hi tejswrp,

What is the exact amplifier fault you are getting? You can figure out which error is present by issuing the TA0,TA1,TA2, and TA3 commands in the terminal. Each command will return a binary bitmask number, each bit will indicate a different fault. You can check the command reference for a full break down of each bitmask:…

Based on what is returned from the TA commands, we can figure out how to resolve the error.