Gclib LabVIEW Integration

Getting Started

This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to access the Galil Communication Library (gclib) in LabVIEW on Windows 10. The Galil Communication Library (gclib) is the current generation communication library for Galil Motion Controllers and PLCs. By combining the versatility of gclib with the simplicity of programming in LabVIEW, a professional looking graphical user interface can be created for a wide range of motion control applications.


To install the LabVIEW language support, run the latest version of the gclib installer and select the "LabVIEW Integration" option.

Accessing gclib with LabVIEW

In LabVIEW, create a new VI and right click on the Block Diagram. At the bottom of the Functions palette, Galil palette set will be available. Functions are sorted in to three categories: Configuration, Data, and Utility.

How to Run Galil Examples

Choose LabVIEW Version:

Choose Example:

Follow these steps to run the selected example:

  1. Open .
  2. Click File -> Open.
  3. Navigate to:
    and click OK.
  4. Edit the text box labeled IP Address and modify the value to match the IP Address of your controller.
  5. Click Operate -> Run

Build Standalone Application with Gclib

LabVIEW's Application Builder provides a way to build standalone applications. In order to build an application using Gclib VIs, an additional step is required.

Choose LabVIEW Version:

Gclib VIs are dependent on two additional shared libraries (DLLs) that are not automatically detected as dependencies by LabVIEW. Follow the instructions for adding additional dependencies to add the following two Dlls:

After adding the two Dlls, you may continue building your application following the documentation for LabVIEW's Application Builder.